Zucchini is certainly worth growing in your garden as it produces a bountiful harvest! However there does come a point where you think, what will I do with all the zucchini?! Beyond growing giant zucchini for the kids’ to race at the Fall Fair, we like to grill slices on the barbecue throughout the season and use grated zucchini for excellent fritters.  We freeze a lot of grated zucchini in ziplock bags for use later in the year and we’ve been dehydrating zucchini chips. These are excellent fresh but since they don’t seem to stay crispy long,  we plan to throw those in to cooked dishes this winter.
Zucchini bread and muffin recipes online often call for refined sugar, wheat flour and canola oil. We came up with a gluten-free version that uses banana and maple syrup as the sweetener and since we try to avoid vegetable oils in cooking, and canola oil in general, melted butter works as a great alternative. Here’s our super moist zucchini bread/muffin recipe that is kid and adult approved.

3 cups gluten-free or regular flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp sea salt
Dash cinnamon
Dash nutmeg
Dash allspice
1 tsp vanilla
4 eggs
1 cup melted butter
2 cups grated zucchini
1 banana, very ripe and mashed
1/4-1/2 cup maple syrup
Combine dry ingredients (add more spice if you like) and in a separate bowl combine wet ingredients. Mix together and ladle into greased muffin tins or greased loaf pans. We like to do one tray of muffins and one loaf with this recipe quantity.
Serve with butter and enjoy.