Garlic scapes grow up from the unharvested garlic bulb below ground and can be cut and used in the early summer. By removing the garlic scape, the plant is able to put its energy into the hardneck garlic cloves forming below rather than producing a flower above ground. Scapes have a garlic flavor but are spicier. They’re great for pickling and making pesto. Since summertime also produces an abundance of zucchini, we love using our garlic scape pesto on zucchini fritters. This combo is great fresh but since garlic scape pesto freezes well, we also recommend grating lots of zucchini throughout the summer and freezing it in zip-lock bags to make this yummy side-dish in the fall and winter when you may not have as much, if anything, still growing in your garden.

Garlic Scape Pesto

150 grams cut-up garlic scapes

1/3 cup walnuts or pine nuts

1/2 lemon, juiced

1/8-1/4 tsp sea salt

1/8 tsp pepper

1/3 cup olive oil

First, trim the top of the garlic scape off, just below the bulb so that you keep one long stalk and compost of feed your chickens the remaining bulb and tough pointed end. Next cut your garlic scape stalk into about one inch pieces. The following ingredients can be combined in a food processor, ideally slowing adding the olive oil if you have the style that allows you to mix while pouring into the top opening. Combine until a smooth consistency and put into mason jars.

Zucchini Fritters

4 cups grated zucchini

2 eggs, beaten

Salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients and place a thin layer, approximately 1/2” thick in a greased pan. Cook a few minutes per side. Serve with a dollop of unheated garlic scape pesto.